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Saturday, March 5, 2011

March 6th


1 comment:

  1. This day's reading is particularly rich to me!
    -Deut. 12:32 Don't add or take away anything from God's law. I had not seen that except in Revelations. Jesus probably thought about this with the Pharisees.
    -Deut. 31:9-13 Everyone (including the children) were to come together and hear the law read aloud every 7 years. How can we obey unless we hear!
    -Lev. 26:3-13 The whole section on blessings is so impressive. God still stands ready to bless us here and in the future. He just wants us to love and obey Him. Particularly interesting to me was the part about not letting wild beasts run amongst them, if they were obedient. This reminds of when Samaria was populated by Assyria with non-believers. Remember how they had trouble with wild beasts attacking them until they inquired of what God they were insulting?
    -Then comes the talk about curses. God tells them 5 times about the consequences on not listening and each time the consequences (and God calls it correction) get worse and worse. This is so much like a father dealing with difficult children. God even disciplines the land, which makes me wonder about the current state of the holy land, because it doesn't seem to me like it is in the "land flowing with milk and honey" stage right now. He finally says that the land will enjoy its Sabbath rest when it is rid of them, since they didn't give it the rest when they had the chance.
    -With all of this God promises redemption, if they will repent. He won't crush them totally out of existance, because of His promises to Abraham. God is true to Himself, even when I am not true to Him. What a wonderful God that He is willing to forgive.
