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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

February 12th

Thoughts for today?


  1. Today's reading was tough in several ways for me. Does God want us to be zealous like Phinehas today? Our situation is completely different. They were in God's presence and were trying to keep God's nation pure. It would have been a difficult thing to do to have to put the women and boys to death. They obeyed God though. I can only assume that God in His wisdom knew that they would be a snare to the people in the future. I am reminded that God also sees life for a person in a very different way than we do. I think that He sees it as our appointed amount of time that we have been given. It's something that he can give and take away. We clutch on to life while God wants us to come home to him.

  2. Why do you suppose that God recorded the names of the Israelite and the Midianite woman that Phineas killed?

  3. the more i read the bible, the more questions i have!
