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Thursday, February 17, 2011

February 17th

Tell us what you think!


  1. i like 'do not be afraid' - deut 7; it has taken on new meaning to me.
    deut 9 - do you think the Lord was Jesus? the way it's written could mean 2 different persons....
    deut 10 - does anyone know what happened to the 10 comm. stone tablets? is there any evidence of them present day? and is the chest the same as the other ark made previously?
    deut 10:14-11:1 we are to love aliens - who would be present day aliens in our lives?
    deut 11 - what's the significance of proclaiming blessings & curses on the 2 different mts?
    FAVORITE VERSE in deut 10: 'For the Lord your God is God of gods & Lord of lords, the great God, mighty & awesome, who shows no partiality & accepts no bribes.'

  2. Patrice, I thought that was an awesome verse too. It would be the one I would list as "Favorite Verse" from today's reading. So powerful!

    The only answer I have for you is the "alien" question. I think in our lives, non-christians would be the aliens.

    What struck me in today's reading was the repitition of several phrases. In fact, I went back and re-read yesterday's reading. So here's what I found in the combined reading which spanned Duet. 4:44-11:32:

    commands, commandments, commanded--32 times (does NOT include numerous times "decrees" and "laws" are used)

    Love (fear) the Lord your God (most include "with allyour heart)--5 times

    Remember (Do not forget)--8 times

    The Lord your God will deliver (or drive them out)--6 times

    Possess or possession--16

    This final entry is the one that really got my attention:

    The Lord Your God--an amazing 44 times!!
