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Sunday, January 9, 2011

January 13th

What do you think about today's reading?  Share your thoughts :)


  1. i always thought Jacob had to work a total of 14 yrs BEFORE he received Rachel as his wife; actually he worked 7 yrs; bargained again w/ Laban, was given Rachel to wed, then worked another 7yrs.
    amazing how you can read something several times, then see it totally different!
    these bible characters seem to be no different than people today

  2. Several things about the last few readings were interesting to me.

    *How the common thread of deceit & trickery run through both Isaac and Laban's families.

    *The damage that favoritism creates in a family and how it can be passed from one generation to another.

    *How Jacob became objectified by his wives in their jealousy over each other that he would be "hired" out.

    That God uses these people and their weaknesses to bring about his will is amazing to me. As a child sitting in Sunday school and hearing these OT stories, these people were so great in my eyes. My understanding of them as flawed human beings who allowed God to work in their lives now makes God the one who is great!

  3. Reading this today reminded me of what some people put on Facebook. Sometimes they write these cryptic posts that have this heavy, but kind of vague meaning. What must it have been like living in this family in which each child was named with a name that was directed at the other wife (enemy) in some way. Talk about discord! Some might also envy Jacob for having four wives, but it seems to me that this guy just did whatever he was told. They even bargained for him with food! Doesn't sound like a happy family atmosphere....
