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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

January 6th

What are your thoughts on today's reading?


  1. Having to work hard to keep up with my reading!

  2. I'm playing catch-up...starting tonight. :p

  3. Can I make a suggestion? When you write "What are your thoughts on today's reading?", add what the reading is for that day... i.e. "What are your thoughts on today's reading (Job 10-13). I think that might be helpful.

  4. Thanks, Joyce. I liked the reading today, because it struck me that God loved Ishmael for Abraham's sake. He even offered to bless Ishmael for Abraham's sake. I think that we often stray from the path that God would choose for us, but He still blesses us even in our foolishness.

  5. I think it's interesting that Sarah was the one to suggest Abraham go to Haggar for an heir and yet blamed him for her suffering when Haggar had Ishmael. Abraham's reaction? "Do whatever". Abraham did not appear to resist Sarah's suggestion, her accusation of him or her abuse of Haggar.
    There also seems to be a tendancy for several women of the Bible (Sarah & Haggar, Rachel & Leah, Hannah & Peninnah and Euodia & Syntyche) to struggle in their relationships with their sisters. This is something that I think is a cautionary lesson for women today.

  6. i'm having trouble understanding why ishmael was so important to God. ismael represents everything opposite of Jesus, i.e. in chpt 16 "he will be a wild donkey of a man; his hand will be against everyone & everyone's hand against him, & he will live in hostility toward all his brothers'. this doesn't sound like a very pleasant guy to be around but God wanted to bless him too. why did God want to make him into a great nation? any thoughts...
